
Super Junior menggelar prescon Super Show 4 : “kami ingin melakukan pendekatan dunia dengan tawa”

Super Junior mengungkapkan keyakinan mereka untuk kesuksesan tur dunia pada sebuah wawancara pers untuk Super Show 4.
Pada wawancara pers  yang berlangsung di Stadion Gymnastic di Olympic Park pada 20 November pukul 3 sore, Super Junior mengatakan, “Kami pernah berkunjung ke negara-negara lain untuk konser SM town berkali-kali, tapi ini adalah tur dunia yang hanya Super Junior berpartisipasi.
Kami mengetahui bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa global tetapi kami ingin melakukan pendekatan dunia dengan tawa. Setiap anggota memiliki kinerja mereka sendiri dalam konser, sehingga kita akan mampu menunjukkan  pesona Super Junior. “

Super Junior diwawancarai dengan wartawan dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Untuk pertanyaan tentang alasan untuk popularitas mereka, mereka menjawab, “Karena kita semua lucu?”
Mereka menjelaskan, “Kami menduga itu karena orang menemukan sesuatu yang menyenangkan dari penampilan Super Junior yang alami dan ramah. Kami merasa tanggung jawab besar untuk konser, tetapi pada saat yang sama, kita merasa seperti kita dapat membuat penampilan panggung yang besar dengan mendorong dan mendukung satu sama lain. “
Untuk pertanyaan tentang anggota yang  sangat berubah dalam konser ini, semua orang memilih Ryeowook.
Ryeowook berkata, “Saya bergabung dengan Super Show 4 tepat setelah musical wolf selesai. Saya melakukan latihan dan olahraga selama satu bulan dan mendapatkan six pack. Saya juga menyiapkan banyak untuk penampilan solo saya. ”
Super Junior juga menunjukkan kepercayaan diri mereka di tur dunia dengan mengatakan, “Kami kira kita bisa melakukan tur dunia ini karena orang dari negara lain telah menyaksikan video kami di YouTube untuk bernyanyi dan menari bersama kami. 
Konser Super Junior akan mulai dari Seoul pada 19 November  dan kemudian akan ke Osaka, Taiwan, Bangkok, Singapura, Beijing, Eropa, dan Amerika Utara.
Super Show, yaitu konser Super Junior  yang dimulai tahun 2008 dan telah sukses setiap tahun. Sekitar 500.000 penonton telah menyaksikan Super Show sejauh ini.
Dalam konser ini, panggung pertunjukan beragam, menggunakan layar LED 20m, panggung bergerak, kabel, crane, dan mobil bergerak, siap untuk berinteraksi dengan penonton.


The Boys Lyrics (ENG. VER)

{Jessica and All } I can tell you’re looking at me, I know what you see
Any closer and you’ll feel the heat (GG)
You don’t have to pretend that you didn’t notice me
Every look will make it hard to breathe (T.R.X)
B-Bring the boys out (Yeah, You know)
B-Bring the boys out (We bring the boys out! We bring the boys out)
B-Bring the boys out (Yeah)
{Taeyeon} Soon as I step on the scene
I know that they’ll be watching me watching me (Get up)
{Yoona} I’ma be the hottest in this spot
There ain’t no stopping me (That’s funny) Stopping me
{Sunny} I know life is a mystery, I’m gonna make history
I’m taking it from the start
{Seohyun} Call all emergency, I’m watching the phone ring
I’m feeling this in my heart (My heart)
B-Bring the boys out
{All} Girls’ Generation make you feel the heat
And we’re doin it we can’t be beat
(B-Bring the boys out)
{Sooyoung}We’re born to win, Better tell all your friends
Cuz we get it in You know the girls
(Bring the boys out)
{Jessica} Wanna know my secrets but no I’ll never tell
Cuz I got the magic touch and I’m not trying to fail
That’s right (Yeah fly high!) And I (You fly high!) Can’t deny
I know I can fly
{Seohyun} I know life is a mystery, I’m gonna make history
I’m taking it from the start
{Taeyeon} Call all emergency, I’m watching the phone ring
I’m feeling this in my heart (My heart)
B-Bring the boys out
{All} Girls’ Generation make you feel the heat
And we’re doin’ it we can’t be beat
(Bring the boys out)
{Hyoyeon} We’re born to win, Better tell all your friends
Cuz we get it in You know the girls
(Bring the boys out)
Girls bring the boys out!
{Yuri} I wanna dance right now
We can show em how the girls get down
{Yoona} Yes we go for more than zero
Number one everyone should know
Check this out!
{Hyoyeon} All’a (all the) Boys, All’a (all the) Boys want my heart
Better know how to rock and don’t stop
{Sooyoung} Oh gee we make it so hot
Girls’ Generation we won’t stop
B-Bring the boys out
{Jessica} It’s not a fantasy, This is right for me
Living it like a star
{Taeyeon} Can’t get the best of me, I’ma be what I wanna be
This is deep in my heart
(Taeyeon Jessica) My heart
I can tell you’re looking at me, I know what you see
Any closer and you’ll feel the heat  (Just bring the boys out)
{Seohyun} You don’t have to pretend that, You didn’t notice me
Every look will make it hard to breathe (B-Bring The Boys out)

{Jessica} ‘Cause the girls bring the boys out
Girls bring the boys out
Girls bring the boys out
Girls bring the boys out
{All} Girls’ Generation make em feel the heat
And we’re doin it we can’t be beat
(B-Bring the boys out)
We’re born to win, Better tell all your friends
Cuz we get it in You know the girls
(B-Bring the boys out)

By Choi Rena


SNSD Performance ♥ ♥ ♥


¤ Kelakuan ELF Indo Yang Patut Di Renungkan! ¤ ELF Indo Must Read This!

Dengan note ini, saya ingin menyampaikan pandangan saya terhadap ELF Indonesia.

Akankah kalian tahu prestasi ELF Indo di bandingkan ELF luar???
ELF di seluruh dunia 60% di pegang oleh Indonesia.
tapi bisakah kita bangga menjadi ELF Indo?

Sejujurnya kukatakan, bahwa aku BANGGA menjadi ELF!
tapi aku SUNGGUH MALU menjadi ELF Indonesia!

Kenapa kukatakan seperti itu?
Tahukah kalian apa yang telah di lakukan ELF Indo selama ini?

ELF Indo paling sering NGEBASH fandom lain!
ELF Indo paling sering membesar-besarkan hal yang sebenarnya KECIL!
ELF Indo paling sering membuat hoax MENYEBAR di mana-mana!

Ingatkah perseteruan yang terjadi antara ELF Indo dan Smashblast?
Ingatkah kemenangan 2NE1 di Inkigayo yang di hina oleh ELF Indo?

PANTASKAH seorang ELF melakukan hal seperti itu?

Tahukah kalian PANDANGAN ELF luar pada ELF Indo?

Pernahkah kalian merenungkan hal-hal yang ELF Indo lakukan?

¤ Perseteruan ELF Indo dan Smashblast ¤

Kita boleh menganggap SM*SH adalah boyband plagiat *memang plagiat!*, kita boleh membencinya.

Hal tersebut membuat nama Indonesia TERCORENG!
dan hal tersebut juga membuat nama ELF Indo TERCORENG!

karena apa?
Karena ELF Indo berbalik NGEBASH SM*SH dan Smastblast!
Memang hal tersebut di mulai oleh Smashblast, tapi PERLUKAH ELF Indo MELADENINYA?!


di sebarkan oleh salah satu Smashblast asal Semarang.

PERLUKAH ELF Indo atau fandom KPOP lain membesar-besarkannya?
Bukankah selama ini kita telah mendengar lagu dan melihat MV mereka?
Apakah pernah terjadi suatu hal ganjil?
Kita semua masih normal bukan?!
Kita tidak berganti agama, kita juga tidak melakukan hal-hal mistis yang di larang oleh agama!

¤ Hoax pertunangan/pernikahan Yesung tanggal 14 July 2012 ¤

hoax ini MENYEBAR dengan cepat!
Karena apa?
Karena para ELF Indo yang juga adalah ANTIS SNSD, NGEBASH SNSD dan SONE!

Hal tersebut di ketahui oleh ELF luar, apa yang terjadi?

¤ Kemenangan 2NE1 di Inkigayo ¤

ELF Indo MENGHINA kemenangan 2NE1!

Dan ini MENYEBABKAN BlackJack MUAK terhadap ELF Indo!
Mereka telah MENGADUKAN perbuatan ELF Indo kepada forum resmi ELF dan hal tersebut MENYEBABKAN POSISI ELF INDO TERANCAM di berbagai forum!

Hal-hal yang kubeberkan di atas hanya SEGELINTIR dari perbuatan ELF Indo yang SEHARUSNYA TIDAK DI LAKUKAN!

ELF Indo ngebash! Membenci! Dan melakukan HAL-HAL NEGATIVE lainnya!

Hal tersebut membuat posisi ELF Indo TERANCAM!
Dan posisi oppadeul di Hanteo Chart terancam!


Saat ini GDA sudah dekat!
Tapi apa yang di LAKUKAN ELF Indo?


Posisi Mr. Simple di berbagai situs music besar sangat MEMPRIHATINKAN!

ELF Indo HANYA PERLU MEMBANTU OPPADEUL dengan mensearch kata ‘Mr. Simple’ di situs-situs music besar TANPA PERLU MENGELUARKAN BIAYA!

Apakah hal tersebut juga SANGAT MEMBERATKAN?!

Saya memposting hal ini BUKAN untuk mempermalukan ELF Indo, tetapi saya hanya ingin kalian SADAR!
Saya juga orang Indonesia, saya lahir dan besar di Indonesia!


Bukankah Heechul oppa pernah berkata, “Fans yang tidak mendukung dan membashing artis lain, TIDAK BERHAK MENJADI ELF!”

dan tahukan kalian apa arti ELF bagi Super Junior?

Oppadeul pernah berkata, “Cinta kami adalah ELF”

Sadarkah kalian dengan apa yang sudah ELF Indo lakukan?


Tolong kalian renungkan hal-hal yang telah di lakukan oleh ELF Indo dan bercermin dari hal-hal yang pernah ELF Indo maupun ELF luar lakukan!

Jika kalian SETUJU dengan pernyataan saya, copas note ini dan SEBARKAN ke SELURUH ELF INDO!

Note ini hanya untuk membuat ELF Indo MERENUNGKAN hal-hal yang telah mereka LAKUKAN!
Dan JANGAN SAMPAI hal-hal tersebut terulang kembali!

Sekian dari saya dan terima kasih banyak.
NO BASHING please.

Written by: Chenz CassiElf


{♥} 5집 Super Junior ‟ Mr. Simple „ → ENGLISH, ROMANIZED, KOREAN ㅡ

{♥} 5집 Super Junior ‟ Mr. Simple „ → ENGLISH, ROMANIZED, KOREAN ㅡ
{♥} ENGLISH {♥}

[SUJU] Because You Naughty, Naughty Hey! Mr. Simple
Because You Naughty, Naughty SUJU's going!
[KYUHYUN] You can't think ‟ The world isn't going the way I want it to „ and just get angry, there's no need to
[SIWON] You're worrying for nothing, let's not dwell over small concerns, it's not good for your health
HEENIM) Sometimes your results might be good or bad, but hmmph! Or there are times your performance has its ups and downs
DONGHAE) Maybe it's okay, getting some rest is good too, because there's a time time time time time for everything
YESUNG) If you are a man, get together with a friend and shake it all off with a drink (Alright!) Alright
RYEOWOOK) If you're a woman, get together with a friend and throw it all away with a chit-chat (Alright!) Alright, Alright
SUJU) Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are, you are great as you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are lovely as you are (SJ Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are, you are great as you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are lovely as you are (SJ Call!)
SUJU) Let's go let's go come on let's go, when you're stuck let's turn back, if worried sick let's try to have fun just for today
If the world, rough as it is, runs desperately I'd be the only tired one, try waiting, hold up, because your day will arrive soon
SUJU) Blow your mind Go Mr. Simple
Blow your mind The time has come, don't be afraid
Blow your mind Let's go Mr. Simple
Blow your mind The time has come, you are ready
SUNGMIN) We live in a world where troubling matters aren't just a couple, children know that too
LEETEUK) What is so difficult? If we eat well and sleep well and also do well, that's all we need to do
RYEOWOOK) If you are angry, get together with a friend and vent about it (Alright!) Alright
EUNHYUK) If you are annoyed, sing a song, scream, throw it away (Alright!) Alright, Alright
SUJU) Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are, you are great as you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are lovely as you are (SJ Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are, you are great as you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are lovely as you are (SJ Call!)
LEETEUK) Freedom isn't all that special
DONGHAE) Just get it Get it
LEETEUK) The satisfaction of breaking away
RYEOWOOK) Boom boom boom thump thump thump
SHINDONG) Do you want to feel yourself live?
DONGHAE) Just grab it Grab it
SHINDONG) Talks of your heartthrobbing dreams
RYEOWOOK) Boom boom boom thump thump thump
SUJU) (Because you naughty, naughty)
KYUHYUN) Don't worry now, a good day will be ahead of you, withhold the serious conversations
YESUNG) Let's try to laugh cheerfully today, with your bright smile everybody will feel on top of the world
SUJU) Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are, you are great as you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are beautiful as you are (SJ Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are, you are great as you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are beautiful as you are (SJ Call!)
SUJU) Let's go let's go come on let's go, when you're stuck let's turn back, if worried sick let's try to have fun just for today
If the world, rough as it is, runs desperately I'd be the only tired one, try waiting, hold up, because your day will arrive soon
SUJU) Blow your mind Go Mr. Simple
Blow your mind The time has come, don't be afraid
Blow your mind Let's go Mr. Simple
Blow your mind The time has come, you are ready
 {♥} ROMANIZED {♥}
SJ) Because you naughty, naughty, hey! Mr. Simple
Because you naughty, naughty, SUJU ganda!
KYUHYUN) Sesang-ee nae mamdaero ahn dwendago hwaman naemyuhn geuruhl piryo uhbji
SIWON) Guhkjuhngdo paljada jageun ire nuhmoo yuhnyuhnhaji malja mome johji anha
HEENIM) Suhngjuhgi johaddaga nappadaga geuruhn guhji mwuh heung! Shiljuhgi olladdaga dduhruhjyuhdda geuruhn ddaedo ijji
DONGHAE) Uhjjuhmyuhn gwaenchanha swiuh ganeun guhtdo joha modeun guhshi ddae ddae ddae ddae ddaega inneun guhnikka
YESUNG) Geudaega namjaramyuhn chingool manna sool han jane tuhruhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright
RYEOWOOK) Geudaega yuhjaramyuhn chingool manna sooda dduhruh nallyuhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright
SJ) Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Miss Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Miss Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
SJ) Gaja gaja uhsuh gaja makyuhsseul ddaen doragaja golchi apa jukkeddamyuhn oneul harooman nolgo boja
Ahn geuraedo guhchin sesang jooguhra ddwimyuhn naman jichyuh gidaryuhbwa ahkkyuhdwuh bwa nuhui nari god oltenikka
SJ) Blow your mind gara Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha dooryuhwuh malgo
Blow your mind gaja Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha joonbi dwaejjanha
SUNGMIN) Sok ssuhkneun iri han doo gaji anin sesange woorin sara geuguhn aedo ara
LEETEUK) Mwuh iruhke uhryupna woori jal muhkgo jal jago ddo jarhamyuhn geuruhke hamyuhn dweji
RYEOWOOK) Geudaega hwaga namyuhn chingool manna dwitdamhwaro pooruhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright
EUNHYUK) Geudaega gweropdamyuhn norae boolluh sori jilluh nallyuhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright
SJ) Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Miss Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Miss Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
LEETEUK) Jayooran ge mwuh geuri byuhlguh inna
DONGHAE) Just get it Get it
LEETEUK) Sosohan iltarui jaemi
RYEOWOOK) Doongdoongdoong koongkoongkoong
SHINDONG) Sarainneun geudael neukkigo shipna
DONGHAE) Just grab it Grab it
SHINDONG) Gaseum ddwineun nae kkoomdeurui yegi
RYEOWOOK) Doongdoongdoong koongkoongkoong
SJ) (Because you naughty, naughty)
KYUHYUN) Ije guhkjuhng hajima apen joheun nari ol guhya shimgakhan yegin da dwiro mirwuhdoogo
YESUNG) Oneureun balkge woosuhbwa geudaeui hwanhan wooseume modoo giboon jihajyuh
SJ) Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Miss Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Miss Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
SJ) Gaja gaja uhsuh gaja makyuhsseul ddaen doragaja golchi apa juggeddamyuhn oneul harooman nolgo boja
Ahn geuraedo guhchin sesang jooguhra ddwimyuhn naman jichyuh gidaryuhbwa ahkkyuhdwuh bwa nuhui nari god oltenikka
SJ) Blow your mind gara Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha dooryuhwuh malgo
Blow your mind gaja Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha joonbi dwaejjanha
{♥} KOREAN {♥}
슈주) Because You Naughty, Naughty Hey! Mr. Simple
Because You Naughty, Naughty 슈주 간다!
규현) 세상이 내 맘대로 안 된다고 화만 내면 안돼 그럴 필요 없지
시원) 걱정도 팔자다 작은 일에 너무 연연하지 말자 몸에 좋지 않아
희님) 성적이 좋았다가 나빴다가 그런 거지 뭐 흥! 실적이 올랐다가 떨어졌다 그런 때도 있지
동해) 어쩌면 괜찮아 쉬어 가는 것도 좋아 모든 것이 때 때 때 때 때가 있는 거니까
예성) 그대가 남자라면 친굴 만나 술 한 잔에 털어버리고 (Alright!) Alright
려욱) 그대가 여자라면 친굴 만나 수다 떨어 날려버리고 (Alright!) Alright, Alright
슈주) 봐라 Mr. Simple, Simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, Simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (SJ Call!)
봐라 Mr. Simple, Simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, Simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (SJ Call!)
슈주) 가자 가자 어서 가자 막혔을 땐 돌아가자 골치 아파 죽겠다면 오늘 하루만 놀고 보자
안 그래도 거친 세상 죽어라 뛰면 나만 지쳐 기다려봐 아껴둬 봐 너의 날이 곧 올테니까
슈주) Blow your mind 가라 Mr. Simple
Blow your mind 때가 왔잖아 두려워 말고
Blow your mind 가자 Mr. Simple
Blow your mind 때가 왔잖아 준비 됐잖아
성민) 속 썩는 일이 한 두 가지 아닌 세상에 우린 살아 그건 애도 알아
이특) 뭐 이렇게 어렵나 우리 잘 먹고 잘 자고 또 잘하면 그렇게 하면 되지
려욱) 그대가 화가 나면 친굴 만나 뒷담화로 풀어버리고 (Alright!) Alright
은혁) 그대가 괴롭다면 노래 불러 소리 질러 날려버리고 (Alright!) Alright, Alright
슈주) 봐라 Mr. Simple, Simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, Simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (SJ Call!)
봐라 Mr. Simple, Simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, Simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (SJ Call!)
은혁) Dance
이특) 자유란 게 뭐 그리 별거 있나
동해) Just get it Get it
이특) 소소한 일탈의 재미
려욱) 둥둥둥 쿵쿵쿵
신동) 살아있는 그댈 느끼고 싶나
동해) Just grab it Grab it
신동) 가슴 뛰는 내 꿈들의 얘기
려욱) 둥둥둥 쿵쿵쿵
슈주) (Because you naughty, naughty)
규현) 이제 걱정 하지마 앞엔 좋은 날이 올 거야 심각한 얘긴 다 뒤로 미뤄두고
예성) 오늘은 밝게 웃어봐 그대의 환한 웃음에 모두 기분 좋아져
슈주) 봐라 Mr. Simple, simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (SJ Call!)
봐라 Mr. Simple, simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (SJ Call!)
슈주) 가자 가자 어서 가자 막혔을 땐 돌아가자 골치 아파 죽겠다면 오늘 하루만 놀고 보자
안 그래도 거친 세상 죽어라 뛰면 나만 지쳐 기다려봐 아껴둬 봐 너의 날이 곧 올테니까
슈주) Blow your mind 가라 Mr. Simple
Blow your mind 때가 왔잖아 두려워 말고
Blow your mind 가자 Mr. Simple
Blow your mind 때가 왔잖아 준비 됐잖아
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